Thursday, April 4, 2013

Final Proposal

For my final project I would like to expand on the idea that I started with my 60 second shot piece "Paranoid Nightmare." I would like to keep the setting at night but change the environment to out by Meadow brook Mansion. I am very obsessed with the "Slender Man" urban legend, In which a tall man wearing a suit with no face pursues you until you die. In my other video you never saw what was chasing me if anything at all. I think incorporating an antagonist to the project would give it more depth. I would also like to add camera static and white noise to the piece to give it the same allusion that The Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity had. For my Artist I would like to choose Douglas Gordon and his piece "24 Hour Psycho." In this piece he plays the entire Hitchcock film Psycho in slow motion. While I do not want my entire work to be in slow motion I do recognize the effect that it can have on the project. I believe that slowing down certain frames at key points can build on that illusion of the dream in which we have nightmares where we are being chased by something but cant seem to move at normal speed.  

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